IAM Ecole du Micro d'Argent Photo
IAM Ecole du Micro d’Argent Photo

Loop Samples for IAM – l’Ecole du Micro D’argent

Artist :: IAM
Album :: L’Ecole du Micro D’argent
Song(s) :: L’Ecole du micro d’argent :: Petit Frère :: Elle Donne son Corps Avant son Nom :: Regarde :: Enfer :: Chez le Mac :: Bouge ta Tête :: Cri court dans la Nuit :: Demain c’est Loin

Listen to the song “L’Ecole du micro d’argent” by IAM
Listen to the song “Petit Frère” by IAM
Listen to the song “Elle Donne son Corps Avant son Nom” by IAM
Listen to the song “Regarde” by IAM
Listen to the song “Enfer” by IAM
Listen to the song “Chez le Mac” by IAM
Listen to the song “Bouge ta Tête” by IAM
Listen to the song “Cri court dans la Nuit” by IAM
Listen to the song “Demain c’est Loin” by IAM
Buy IAM’s Music Albums on mp3.com

Xarj’s songs made from the IAM Audio Samples :: IAM Music Remix Rap Instrumental
Get Famous! Send me your music remix using IAM’s loops. I’ll add them on this page for everyone to enjoy!

Download the zip file containing the Audio Loop Samples for the songs “L’Ecole du micro d’argent” :: “Petit Frère” :: “Elle Donne son Corps Avant son Nom” :: “Regarde” :: “Enfer” :: “Chez le Mac” :: “Bouge ta Tête” :: “Cri court dans la Nuit” :: “Demain c’est Loin” by French HipHop Music Band IAM. Use the loop(s) in your favorite music creation software ie: Acid Pro, Cubase, FruityLoops, Reason etc…

Visit the Complete Sample Loop Library page on xarj.net

IAM Philippe Fragione, Geoffroy Mussard, Malek Brahimi, Eric Mazel, Pascal Perez, François Mendy
IAM : Philippe Fragione, Geoffroy Mussard, Malek Brahimi, Eric Mazel, Pascal Perez, François Mendy

Quick Biography of IAM ::

IAM is a French hip hop band from Marseille, created in 1989, and composed of Akhenaton (Philippe Fragione), Shurik’n (Geoffroy Mussard), Freeman (Malek Brahimi), Khéops (Eric Mazel), Imhotep (Pascal Perez), and Kephren (François Mendy). ‘IAM’ has several meanings, including ‘Invasion Arrivée de Mars’ (‘Invasion from Mars’). ‘Mars’ is frequently used as a metaphor for Marseille in IAM’s songs.

IAM Music Links ::

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