April 18th, 2008I Can’t StumbleUpon my Own Blog Anymore!!! WTF
I cannot stumble upon my own blog posts anymore!
What is going on? Has the world gone crazy?
One morning I woke up and felt like stumbling my latest blog post. The previous night, I had spent 3 hours researching, preparing and writing a great blog post, that post deserved to appear on stumbleupon!
I navigate to my latest blog post on my awesome blog www.xarj.net, open the stumble upon toolbar, click on that cute button “thumbs up” to rate a website or webpage. The popup screen appears normally, I carefully fill out the form and click on “Submit This Site”. Right after, I am penetrated by a feeling of greatest! Lots of people will enjoy my post and vote it up! Youpiiiii !
I am a little bit maniac so I always go verify my rating was correctly added to the stumbleupon database. To my surprise, my latest stumble was not appearing in my favorites! What is going on? So I go back to my great post and fill out the stumbleupon form again. Click on the Submit This Site button and return to my SU homepage.
The stumble from my own blog is not appearing at all! This sucks and is REALLY lame!
I have stumbled a total of 259 pages, 12 videos, 26 photos since Apr 09, 2007. I have 13 fans and have received 1 review. Since nobody else adds my pages to StumbleUpon, I would add them myself. Maximum one page per week and a grand total of 13 pages from my own blog. 13 / 259 = 0.05. Yes, that’s 5% of my total stumbles. 1 out of 20 pages and now my site is banned from appearing under my own stumbleupon favorites! Ridiculous!
Results of stumbleupon not allowing me to stumble my own posts :
- StumbleUpon users will miss out on great content
- The StumbleUpon website will not appear in the SERPS for the keywords in my blog post
- SU has lost one loyal user
- This has pissed me off!
I don’t see any advantage of stopping users from stumbling their own content. I understand that SU has to fight spam like everyone else but 5% of my total stumbles is NOT a spammy number!
I don’t get it. Do you?
** Update – July 25, 2008 — Just for fun, I reinstalled the StumbleUpon Toolbar for Firefox version 3.26 and tried to stumble one of my own pages again. Guess what? I STILL cannot stumbleupon my own blog posts! AHHHHH! This is soooo annoying! It’s been 4 months since I stopped using SU and no progress at all! I think I’ll definately stop using StumbleUpon! Oh well…
Stumbleupon Links ::
The real value of StumbleUpon – Click Here
Using Stumble Upon To Increase Blog Traffic – Click Here
StumbleUpon Death Threats in eBay Social Network – Click Here
Stumbleupon Problem – Click Here
StumbleUpon and Online Games – Click Here