tools for webdesignersThis is a tricky subject because useful tools for web designers may include a lot of things. Some people think that an easy to index java library is a great tools, where others think that a color coordinator tool is the most useful. This article contains a list of varied tools that some web designers are going to find very useful. The tools vary which is why they have not been ranked in any particular order.

1 – Flipboard

Add your portfolio to this app on your iPad and let people flip through your images and personalized content. It turns your information into a magazine format so that you can show clients your designs and images in a more stylish and potentially more professional manner. You can even flip through it yourself if you have a few social feeds you want to check up on.

2 – Google JavaScript Style Guide

With this guide you can see the JavaScript conventions that you need and some that will help remind you of things you should be adding or writing. There are good practices for things such open source projects and it shows you how to write out your well documented and well written code. It gives you tips such as how you should never use exceptions.

3 – Sweet-template
The “Sweet” stands for Simple Web front-End Template and it is a template that is very lightweight. It is a JavaScript template that has very high performance and potential to make your website run quickly. It is easy to use and may be extended in a number of ways in order to make use of it. You may also integrate it with jQuery.

4 – AltFontPrev

It is a JavaScript bookmarklet that allows you to view the font stack the website you are looking at. You can deactivate each and every font on the page with just one click. You can also view the fonts included in the website’s font stack and that may be done with a single click instead of having to open up the source code and CTRL+F your way through.

5 – Typografix

This is a very useful HTML re-processing script that you can use to create typography. It is good because it will corrects things such as ellipses and such as smart quotes. It will also adds tags for script, code and pre automatically. It is a handy to have around but requires Windows Installer 3.1 plus .NET Framework 3.5 SP1.

6 – CoffeeScript

This is programming language that will compile JavaScript and simply its code in order to make it cleaner, tighter and easier to understand. It compiles clean code whilst simplifying it. It works with the current JavaScript libraries and will leave your comments intact. It is good for saving you time and efforts, but is also very handy for if you have other people working on your code besides you.

7 – eCSStender

With this you can make your design process a lot simpler. You can use advanced selectors to author your modern CSS. You can use properties such as the border-radius and you can use custom font faces. It creates CSS that works on the older versions of the Internet Explorer and makes your design process a little more simple. It is ideal for web designers.

8 – Unicode Codepoint Chart

This is a chart that may be broken down very neatly by the symbol and character. You can click on your character or symbol and you get all the detailed information you need about it. You are also given a test page and an SVG format outline. You are given a variety of character sets and encodings too. It is a very handy tool for the conscientious programmer.

9 –

You are given the latest versions of the script tags for you many JavaScript libraries but you are given them in one place. You can use it for things such as jQuery, swfobject, MooTools, Chrome Frame, YUI, Ext JS, Prototype, Scriptaculous and Dojo. You will find their most recent script tags on this site. It is a very good resource for web designers.

10 –

This is a directory that is filled with existing file extensions along with free tools that you can use to open them. Within this website you will find a free-to-use program to open just about any type of file you could ever wish to open. It is very good for more than just web design and programming.

Kate Funk is a freelance writer at She is mainly focusing on technology, gadgets and all the latest SEO trends which are interesting for networking enthusiasts.

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