November 18th, 2008Back in Montreal

I’m officially back in Montreal, Canada! Feels real good especially after the crazy driving and traveling in the last week in Europe!
Landed in Montreal Trudeau on Wednesday, November 12. On my way out the airport, I declared my return to Canada to the Canadian customs… More paper work and I was finally out. I had a lot of trouble with the jet lag this time! I couldn’t sleep properly for the first week and I had an important job interview on Friday morning! Luckily it went very well and I’ll probably get the job! Excellent salary too! 😉
I’m settling quickly here, already have an apartment, a car and probably a job! You gotta love the internet and communications! It would have been impossible otherwise. Living at my sister’s in Montreal and I’m hoping to move into my apartment in Montreal Angrignon asap! My french girlfriend is coming to Montreal on January 13rd 2009, enough time to get her visa so she can work in Montreal. I’m definitely for equality in sexes so my woman should also work at a job. 🙂
Want to read more about my Trips? See my Travel Articles.
Check out the Photos and Travel Videos of Montreal ::
Montreal Photos

Beautiful Montreal, Quebec, Canada

Montreal by Night