Western Robots Video Animation video called “Twit Twit” featuring a robot playing banjo in the far west in a western cowboy animation movie. The robot wants to cross the train barrier but they old robot doesn’t let him. By Esra Bretagne July 2007 Watch the Western Robot Video :: Related Images:
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Back on Acid Music MP3 Here is the latest music creation done with the brand new Acid Pro 7.0! I haven’t created music in many months now and all the elements were just right to create this music mp3 song. I was alone in my appartment, with free time, the motivation, the software and the […]
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Tron Remake Video So you loved the old movie “Tron”? Back then, the movie scenes were very advanced! Well here is a remake of the famous Tron movie. Made in 2008 by film amateurs! Watch the Tron Video Remake :: Related Images:
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Fast and Furious 4 Trailer
Vin Diesel, Paul Walker and Jordana Brewster are back in the fourth sequel of the great F&F series!
Summary of Fast and Furious 4 ::
A murder compels Don Toretto, a former con on the run, and agent Brian O’Conner to return to Los Angeles where their quarrel returns. But facing a common enemy, they are forced to form an uncertain alliance if they hope to achieve break his plans…
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FanParty MP3 Music by XarJ I called this song “FanParty” because the day before I had been at a friend’s friend called Fanny from my school IUT Bayonne. It was truly a great party and the whole class was there, everyone having a blast! If I remember correctly Fanny lived near Guetary in the Basque […]
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Extreme FreeStyle Ski Video
Freestyle skiing is a discipline of Alpine skiing considered an extreme sport. Often confused with acrobatic skiing, freestyle skiing is a new discipline emerged in the late 90s, after several other disciplines like skiing moguls, the half-pipe or acrobatic jump .
Watch the Extreme FreeStyle Ski Video
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Shpongle Music Remix by Xarj
I used a music loop from one of Shpongle songs and inserted it into my own music creation, spanish guitar style!
My music remix was created on October 25th, 2004 on CD #35
Listen to my Shpongle Music Remix
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Smells Like Teen Spirit Music Remix by XarJ DO NOT LISTEN to this remix if you are a HUGE fan of Nirvana, Kurt Cobain and the song Smells Like Teen Spirit! The mixture of instruments and the original song might damage some hears! “It Smells like Teen Spirit” was written by Kurt Cobain, it was […]
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Xarj’s Music Remix of Pink Floyd’s The Great Gig in the Sky
For my Pink Floyd music remix, I cut out the short piano loop at the very beginning of their song “The Great Gig in the Sky” on the album “Dark Side of the Moon”.
With this loop, I then built upon it using my favorite music creation software, Acid Pro.
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Amazing video of a machine making music
Complex animation video by Animusic.
Computer Animation Graphics mixed with music is a big hit! Bravo to Animusic! CGi Graphics Power.
Watch the Music Machine Video
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