With the rise of young adult literature came the inexplicable craze over movies that had non-human creatures as lead characters. Among these creatures are vampires. Yes, those beings everybody had long since feared because of their fetish for human blood. Although most moviegoers now think of vampire movies as completely adjacent to love stories—vampire character […]
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An airport is naturally filled with a bunch of people. It is hustling and bustling most of the time as many people are going to and fro. There are also airport personnel who take care of the needs of the people and the tasks to be done inside the airport to make the business run […]
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Snakes, a venomous reptile that has brought about some agitations towards the humankind for a long time, made appearances in a number of Hollywood motion pictures. Should you be trying to find a movie which promises a spine chilling impact, snake movies are suitable for you. In case you are intrigued to check out a […]
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Facebook marketing is definitely here to stay. Facebook has passed 800 million users, according to their own calculations, and this being based on the people who have logged-in in the past 30 days. Facebook pages and profiles are going through major changes. If we are going to develop our personal profiles for our career, we […]
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The world is definitely rich having a gross income of about 63.963 trillion US Dollars. Let’s discover the top 20 richest countries in the world today according to their Gross National Income (GNI) and Gross Domestic Product (GDP). [youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d2MSskRjbXs&w=560&h=345] 20. Saudi Arabia. Having a GNI of about 475.987 Billion US Dollars per annum. [youtube […]
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Cell phones are just one of the greatest innovations brought to us by modern technology these days. A great example of a successful smartphone is made by Apple and is famously called the iPhone. The latest version is currently the iPhone 4S but the iPhone 5 should be coming out in the next couple months. […]
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Technology these days have gone far and really big! Big such as shopping malls which are just one of the astonishment brought to us by modernization. Let us have a rundown of the top 10 biggest malls around the world. [youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kAcjUtAv32I&w=560&h=345] 1. South China Mall in China It ranks number 1 as the […]
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Fairytale, is it really coming true? Are there any possibilities of having a perfect prince suited for you? Do you have either hidden feeling or attraction one of the most handsome princes in the world? Are you aware who they are and the best for your admirable prince? After reading the best for them, certainly […]
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The world seems to be really crowded everywhere these days. The number of people gets higher, thus I come to think if is still there a place that nobody lives. So I come up with the following top 10 deserted places around the world. [youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xP6A-lBwcgs&w=420&h=345] 10. Hashima Island, Japan Known as Battleship Island and […]
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Swimming is what will immediately come to the mind when we talk about these ten pools that are hidden in different parts of the world. All of the hotels like these are extravagantly investing to offer the best of a consequent. And with all these flattering descriptions, you should now start planning on your next […]
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